Meeting Room 3 – 7:30 p.m.
Members Present: Bill Otfinoski, Art Standish, John Jones, James Stavola, Glenn Morron
Others Present: First Selectman Linda Hodge, State Trooper Sgt. Shane Hassett
Chairman Bill Otfinoski called the meeting to order at 7:38 p.m.
1. Citizens’ comments – none
2. Review correspondence – Chairman Bill Otfinoski read the letters of appointment from First Selectman Hodge to the two new commission members. The letter from First Selectman Hodge to George White accepting his resignation and thanking him for his service to the Town of Colchester.
3. Approve Minutes of January 28, 2008 meeting: John Jones motioned to approve the minutes of the January 28, 2008 Commission Meeting. Art Standish seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Budget Review – Chairman bill Otfinoski reported the following to members present:
p “Special Duty” has been removed from the budget, it is no an expense.
p The cost of uniforms has been reduced with the purchase of the new
p One car has been removed from the budget.
p The Commission is asking for one new officer in the 2008/09 budget.
p Two officers will be replaced.
p John Johnson discussed the following with members present: hand held radios, cruiser light bar repair/replacement, promotion dollars for rank structure.
5. Appropriation and Transfer – none
6. Resident Trooper Report and Monthly Statistics:
Sgt. Shane Hassett reported that the new uniforms have arrived and police officers are pleased with their quality and appearance. Recruit Passacantando is continuing to progress in the Academy. His graduation is April 2, 2008. All Commission members are invited to attend. In regard to the agility test, thirteen out of seventeen passed, and interview letters have been sent out. Hopefully, they will start the academy in late April. Administrative Assistant Ellen Yacono has been out with bronchitis. Commission members wish her a speedy recovery. Officers will need to be re-certified on the COLLECT system.
Statistics for the year of 2007 were discussed with Commission members. Members asked Sgt. Hassett if he would have all “Calls for Service” entered in the computer system so that the statistics reflect a true picture of all activities, i.e. house checks, patrol checks, escorts for Tax Collector to the bank, DARE, etc.
7. Old Business
a. Hiring Update: Seventeen applicants were invited to attend the agility test. Thirteen applicants were successful, and interviews were scheduled for March 4th and 5th.
b. Status of Cruisers – Officer Owens: Due to a “Call for Service” Officer Owens was unable to attend the meeting. Sgt. Hassett advised that a new car has been ordered and plans are to use that as a prototype to ensure all cruisers are equipped exactly the same.
c. New guns and night sights: Chairman Otfinoski advised there will be a cost of $234.00 for new guns equipped with night sights. Old guns will be turned in. It will take six to eight months to replace all guns.
d. Defibrillator training: Art Standish advised that the Fire Department EMS should be contacted to set up the training.
e. Discussion regarding black and white cruisers: Chairman Otfinoski would like to have the item reviewed again.
All members present agreed that the Expedition should be put into use as a patrol vehicle. Sgt. Hassett will discuss with officers to determine who will use this vehicle. A spotlight will be purchased for the Expedition. Glenn Morron motioned to use the Expedition for a patrol. James Stavola seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
f. NIMS training: Officers have completed NIMS training ICS 700, and now need to take ICS 100 in person.
8. New Business:
a. Commissioner involvement: Chair Otfinoski explained the Crime Star system, and invited members to be of assistance in entering information in the system.
b. New ideas: Discussion of the time of Commission meetings. Art Standish motioned to change the meeting time to 6:30 p.m. John Jones seconded the motion. All members present voted in agreement. MOTION CARRIED.
A discussion on recognizing an “OFFICER OF THE YEAR” ensued. All members agreed to revitalize this program. This item should be placed on the agenda for the March meeting. The Town should participate in Law Enforcement Week. The media should be used to promote all aspects of policing. James Stavola will be the “Public Relations” liaison for Colchester Police. It was noted that Sgt. Hassett has been contacting the media, and will continue to do so.
c. Mission/vision: Chairman Otfinoski would like the members to think about what their goals are. What progress has been made? What goals do we have? James Stavola said he would like to see three shifts for 24/7 coverage. More information should be passed on to residents more exposure is needed. He would like to present numbers to support the need of additional officers and coverage. The Commission should be going to local groups, i.e. senior citizens and civic organizations.
Chairman Otfinoski will work on a “Mission Vision Statement” for the March meeting.
9. Citizens’ Comments: none
10. Additions to Agenda – none
11 . Adjourn: John Jones motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:58 p.m. Art Standish seconded the motion. All members present voted in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela A. Scheibelein
Recording Clerk